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Group View

Our best-of-breed group charting tool

Our structure chart tool for showing companies and shareholder relationships, Group View, offers unmatched speed, efficiency and user-friendliness. Sophisticated charts, even those including minority shareholdings, are created automatically with just a couple of clicks. No plug-ins and no exporting to drawing tools are required.

Structure charts of the entire legal group or a selected part can be swiftly displayed, and a fully automatic colour filter easily applied based on selected criteria.

You can colour and search using any criteria you wish:

- Country, Region, Legal Form,
- Investment Fund, Consolidation Type
- Sector, Business Unit
- Start with the holding company
- Start with all UBOs
- Sub-groups
- Include owners from outside the group.
- Branches, rep offices, plants

Additionally, you can create separate charts per country all in one go.

You are not limited to current data. Historical charts can be generated as well.

Legal structures can be compared between two dates, for instance the end of FY2021 and FY2022 and display only the alterations (new companies, liquidated entities, changes in ownership) in your chart.

Group View can be used independently from our legal entity management system based on data imports from many data sources, such as MS Excel files. You can even just copy and paste, if you wish.

If you want to produce org charts yourself, Group View is available based on a SaaS model. If you prefer, an outsourced solution is also possible: we can produce required charts for you, if you send us the data.

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This two minute video provides a rapid overview of what Group View can do for you!

- Analyse complex business structures 
- Identify potential antitrust concerns
- Understand owner and control relationships
- Aid in due diligence
- Identify conflicts of interest
- Evaluate impact on market competition
- Tax planning

Unique Multichart functionality

This two minute video shows how Group View's Multichart functionality can save you enormous amounts of time. Multicharts means that you can generate  set of charts in one go, instead of one at a time.

Lets take an example. The Tax Office requires charts showing the companies in a particular country, with the shareholdings linked, directly and indirectly, to the holding company. But they don't want them for just one country. They need them for all countries. Over one hundred of them. Meaning over one hundred charts!

An enormous task? Not for Group View. It takes two clicks.

A tax consultant's dream

This ninety second video shows how Group View's ability to zoom in on tax havens, even in a highly complex network of thousands of companies. Tax consultants have never seen anything like this. 

The video shows how easy it is to create a chart showing connections between the holding company and a tax haven, even in a network comprising thousands of companies. 

Importing data into Group View

This ninety second video shows how easy it is to import data into Group View.

You will see that generating your charts from your data source is easy. No complicated interfacing between your existing system and Group View is required. This example video shows a simple spreadsheet upload.


NEW: Differential Charts

This two minute video illustrates our new Flagship feature: Differential Charts.

Auditors, for example, often need to compare situations on different dates. Not easy if charts contain lots of different companies. But Differential Charts analyzes the data, then generates charts that show just the differences. It's amazing. Take a look!


Differential Charts
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